Lon Shapiro
2 min readJul 22, 2016

According to your spread sheet, assuming every model is correct (which is still a huge jump of faith), Clinton still won the popular vote by 438K (cell 14R). Then you added 1,748,653 votes to Sanders, titled “Adj2:voterrolls” with no explanation.

While caucuses might be more resistant to election fraud (but more suceptible to individual caucus worker fraud as seen in the way Trump people were tampering with the process in Nevada), a small group of zealous voters will dominate this format, and Sanders’ best results came in these situations. I don’t see how Clinton losing the Nebraska caucuses and winning the primary is a good example of why we would trust caucuses over primaries as the best way to gauge the will of the people.

While I am concerned about election fraud, this has been an ongoing problem dating back to the vote buying by Tammany Hall, the dead rising up to vote in Chicago in 1960, the coup in Florida in 2000, and the Diebold disasters of 2004. We need to rebuild the system to insure that everyone can vote and every vote is counted.

But I still see your writings about Clinton as an excuse not to do everything in your power to defeat Trump. You are creating a self fulfilling prophecy — if you discourage young Sanders supporters to protest the result by voting for a third party candidate or not voting at all, you are effectively helping Trump win. If anything, you should be spending all your time and passion educating young voters how to make sure they won’t be silenced by the voter suppression laws in a majority of the states in this country.

Sanders’ endorsement is a fait accompli. If he didn’t attack the voting process the way you are, it’s not an issue at the present. We have to stop Trump.



Lon Shapiro

High quality creative & design https://guttmanshapiro.com. Former pro athlete & high quality performance coach. Teach the world one high quality joke at a time