Is it 2020 Already, Or Are the Russians Coming For Christmas?

Once again, intelligent political discussion is extinguished by social media popularity and readers having the attention span of amoebas.

Lon Shapiro
9 min readDec 22, 2019


Rise up against Agent Orange, instead of infighting. Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash

First, allow me to apologize, as I am probably giving amoebas a bad rap —I don’t know of a single one-celled creatures that engages in hyperbole and hate mongering.

I just read a hate piece on Hillary Clinton, based on her interview with that political savant Howard Stern.

The writer, a self-described “writer and leftist with analysis on topics related to politics and policy,” made some of the most incendiary statements about a Democrat this side of Putin’s boy toy in the White House and guess what happened?

She got thousands of claps from over 500 readers, with 83 of them writing fiery comments on both sides of the issue, with half of them attacking Hillary Clinton and the other half attacking Bernie Sanders.

I’m not going to link to this monument to absolutist thinking and complete disregard of American history. It deserves the same respect I would reserve for any right-wing conspiracy nut job like Alex…



Lon Shapiro

High quality creative & design Former pro athlete & high quality performance coach. Teach the world one high quality joke at a time