Lon Shapiro
1 min readMar 27, 2017

Thanks for finally clearing up two mysteries I have pondered for so long:

  1. That Paul Ryan’s all-American, boy next door good looks is just a facade for evil. Every budget he proposes creates a euthanasia program for the most vulnerable people in our society while he describes it as having more “free market choices.” Besides, how many people can smile, while their mouth turns down at the ends?
  2. Why people dislike Novak Djokovic, despite being one of the best tennis players in the world. He reminds people that not only is there no love in tennis, but there is no love in Republican health care plans.



Lon Shapiro

High quality creative & design https://guttmanshapiro.com. Former pro athlete & high quality performance coach. Teach the world one high quality joke at a time