Lon Shapiro
2 min readSep 23, 2017

Where’s the fucking cursing? Okay, I found one bullshit. Five claps.

Seriously, thanks for a great explanation of the new system. Your difficulties, your calls to the void “Is any one reading this?” and concerns that you can’t find your favorite writers are shared by so many of us, and for so long.

Rather than say you’re preaching to the choir, let me say it’s like music to my ears:

The change, it had to come
We knew it all along
We were liberated from the fold, that’s all
And the world looks just the same
And history ain’t changed
’Cause the banner (ad)s, they are flown in the next war (for eyeballs online).

Don’t worry, these guys will teach you everything you need to know about finding fulfillment through writing. Or not. But they made burst out laughing so many times, they inspired me to start a collaborative book.

I give you the king and crown prince of Medium-roasted Medium, Henry Wismayer and Morgan Rock Loehr.

Absolute must-read articles on Medium’s “algorithms” which spew self-help effluent to your door every day and how to write more popular posts:

An in-depth discussion of what Medium is thinking:

Spit-take parodies on life-hacking posts that will make you laugh so hard you will forget you’re mad about the crap in your email box:

The amazing conversation between Henry W and Jon W.

First, Jon’s response to being parodied.

Then Henry’s incredible response:

Jon’s sincere attempt to reform the system:

Henry’s sort-of peace offering



Lon Shapiro

High quality creative & design https://guttmanshapiro.com. Former pro athlete & high quality performance coach. Teach the world one high quality joke at a time